Il neonato “indigenous movement” ha deciso di intraprendere una lotta culturale contro la storia e i valori della Tradizione Giudaico-Cristiana e contro l’esploratore Italiano Cristoforo Colombo, eliminando il tradizionale Columbus Day in quanto, secondo loro, “fu un genocidio”. Il tipico atteggiamento di chi odia i valori cristiani e desidera cancellarli.
Il presidente del Premio Eccellenza Italiana 2017, George G. Lombardi, ha, quindi, lanciato un appello al Presidente Americano Trump, chiedendogli di intervenire contro l’isteria che in queste settimane ha coinvolto gli Stati Uniti.
Di seguito pubblichiamo la lettera integrale fatta recapitare al 1600 di Pennsylvania Avenue.
New York, 8.29.2017
President Donald J. Trump
White House
Washington, D.C.
Subject: Media Attacks to Christopher Columbus and the cultural and historical identity of Italy in the U.S. and the recent hysteria on “offensive” statues.
Dear President Trump,
These days we continue to witness the unjustifiable, unjust, and insensitive campaign of the so-called “indigenous movement” of the United States.
This new cultural war is affecting a consolidated and solid historical figure: Christopher Columbus, and the extraordinary relationship between Renaissance Italy, that of Saints, Navigators and Poets with the New Continent and the Americas.
Christopher Columbus is an explorer and will always remain so in all pf history. But also in the heart of a large community, not only the Italian-American, but in most Americans.
Italians emigrated to America in the centuries that followed 1492.
Italians have fought and worked hard, with their head high and with sacrifices full of momentum and passion, for their new homeland. They helped build the land of opportunities and the first world power and a bastion of democracy and freedom.
What happens these days, with the removal of historical statues, has no place in American history. This “indigenous” movement has no historical foundation, no cultural logic, but only an irrational anti-Christian and anti-traditional sentiment. Columbus is the one who discovered America. This improbable and sudden historical revisionism is accompanied by the recent, singular and profoundly conflicting phenomenon for those who care for the civil growth of a nation in respect ti the values of its own history: the destruction of “Southern” and other “offensive” statues.
What is unpleasant, but explains the difficult historical moment is just the wicked attempt to exploit the question, if there was a just reason in history, in political terms.
The Democratic Mayor of New York, Bill De Blasio (Original name Warren Wilhelm Jr. [1] May 8, 1961) has formed a commission to evaluate our present (Italians) Monuments in the city. Columbus will become the face of anew wave of discrimination against Italian and American communities.
What is happening in New York, Detroit and San Jose is just the tip of the iceberg of an irrational revolt against our history and Values of Judeo-Christian Tradition and against Columbus. This, if we do nothing, will translate into and manifest an unjust mortification towards the Italian American community and the even our upcoming Columbus Day.
Hands off Christopher Columbus and his great achievements, I say.
What I am here to ask, presiding over the “Italian Excellence Award” initiative that this year comes to the Fourth Edition on October 14th in the week of Columbus Days, is to defend the Italo American community and our values and traditions.
Dear President Trump, most of the Italian-American community has been your solid supporters for decades, help us, in this difficult time, to defend our common culture and Christin identity. We are at your disposal of any action you want to get started. In addition, the Executive Committee of the Italian Excellence Award, which will be in Washington D.C. on October 14, at 12:00 at Cafe Milano, will continue to highlights this call to defend Columbus Day and all that the Italians have contributed over the centuries. We invite you to share with us, though only in spirit, in the 2017 Columbus Day Parade in New York and other American cities.
George Guido Lombardi
President Excellence Awards 2017